为了让你支持我的看法,我就直接“沉默”=“silent”= “嗮冷”(广东话),将我最爱不释手,最能表达这篇的漫画力作介绍给大家,就是…噔噔噔噔…《利维坦之书》(The Book of Leviathan)。针对此书,美国漫画家Ben Katchor如此说:“每当我被问到文学、艺术和诗是否可存在于漫画之中时,我都以本书为例来回答。”是的,一个充满创意哲思的人,从来就不拘泥于形式,漫画就不过是众多表现手法中的一个。谁说漫画就不能讨论严肃课题?谁说漫画就不能充满诗意?
4 Years: My daddy can do anything.
7 Years: My dad knows a lot, a whole lot.
8 Years: My father doesn't quite know everything.
12 Years: Oh well, naturally Father doesn't know everything.
14 Years: Father? Hopelessly old-fashioned.
21 Years: Oh that man is out of date. What did you expect?
25 Years: He knows a little bit about it, but not much.
30 Years: Must find out what Dad thinks about it.
35 Years: A little patience, let's get Dad's meaning first.
50 Years: What would Dad have thought about it?
60 Years: My dad knew literally everything.
65 Years: I wish I could talk it over with Dad once more.
"爸!在这父亲节,我惟一可以对你说的是:Thank you for being my dad! 我感谢神!让你成为我的父亲,给予我生命,让我成为现在的我。仅以这首歌表达我对你的爱。更希望你早日接受耶稣基督这份我所能给予的最珍贵的礼物。"
A son rarely tells his Father how his really feels
A handshake or a pat on the back is all that he reveals
I’d like to right that wrong, here in this little song
Thank you for shaping my life
Thank you for teaching me all you can
You are no ordinary man
You make me everything I am
Thank you for taking the time
Thank you for showing me the way
And thank you for being there when I need you
Thank you for every single day
Now I’ve been blessed with a son of my own
Got my own bedtime stories to tell
If I can raise him half as well as you raised me
Guess I’ll be doing pretty well Thank you for your guiding hand
Thank you for making my dreams come true
You’re an extraordinary man
And I hope you’re as proud of me as I am proud of you
Thank you for giving me life
Thank you for showing me good from bad
I guess I’m only really trying to say
Thank you for being my dad
Even though the years drift away
I never took the time just to say
I love you and I always have
And thank you for being my dad
Thank you for being my dad